21 – 28 February, Attis Theatre, Athens, Greece
1 – 4 March, Attis Theatre, Athens, Greece
16 – 19 March, Attis Theatre, Athens, Greece
20, 21, 22 April, Attis Theatre, Athens, Greece
11, 12 May, Amalia Theatre, Theatrical Spring 2001, Thessaloniki, Greece
24, 25 June, School of Dramatic Art by Anatoly Vassiliev, Globe Stage, 3rd Theatre Olympics «Theatre for the People», Moscow, Russia
4 July, Roman Theatre, International Patras Festival, Patras, Greece
11, 12 July, Teatro da Trindade, International Festival of Almada, Lisbon, Portugal
25 July, Izmedu crkava, XI Festival Grad Teatr, Budva, Montenegro
23 November, Teatre de Salt, International Theatre Festival, « Temporada Alta 2001», Girona, Spain
20 – 29 February, Attis Theatre, Athens, Greece
1, 2, 3 March, Attis Theatre, Athens, Greece
16 – 19 May, Theatre Lliure, Barcelona, Spain
3 August, Piazza di San Mateo, Festival of Genova, Genova, Italy
7 August, “Erophili Fortcheta Theatre”, Rethymnon Festival, Rethymnon, Greece
13 – 16 March, Attis Theatre, Athens, Greece
20 – 23 March, Attis Theatre, Athens, Greece
2, 3 November, Theatre Academy of Moscow, Moscow, Russia