Production: Wilma Theater with American, Greek and Italian actors
Α΄ Performance: 14 October 2015, Wilma Theater, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Production: Wilma Theater with American, Greek and Italian actors
Α΄ Performance: 14 October 2015, Wilma Theater, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Translation: Marianne McDonald
Direction: Theodoros Terzopoulos
Set- costume design/ Light design/ choreography: Theodoros Terzopoulos
Assistant director: Savvas Stroumpos
Music: Panagiotis Velianitis
Stage manager: Pat Adams
Dramaturgy consultant: Walter Bilderback
Photos: Johanna Webber
Antigone: Jennifer Kidwell
Creon: Antonis Myriagkos
Ismene / Euridice : Sarah Slyko
Aemon: Brian Ratcliffe
Teiresias/ Chorus: Stathis Grapsas, Ross Beschler
Guard/ Chorus:Jered Mc Lenigan
A’ Messenger/ Chorus: Steven Rishard
Β΄ Messenger/ Chorus: Justin Jain
Narrator: Ed Swidey
Leader of the chorus: Paolo Musio
7 Οκτωβρίου – 8 Νοεμβρίου 2015,Wilma Theater, Φιλαδέλφεια – Η.Π.Α.
Antigone inaugurated the international project Unburied dead; the project, directed by Theodoros Terzopoulos, will be later developed in other countries, in collaboration with theater institutes, artists and universities. While Antigone was running in Wilma Theater, parallel events like workshops, photo exhibitions, conferences, open discussions on the topic of Unburied dead were organized in Philadelphia and New York.
The project Unburied dead was inaugurated a few months earlier, on May 30th, 2015 in Attis Theatre with a poet marathon, coordinated by Thomas Tsalapatis. Twenty one young poets and poetesses read earlier and new poems on the theme of Unburied dead, in a dialog with what separates memory from oblivion, shadow from darkness, presence from absence, Now from Never.