
W labiryncie.
Theodoros Terzopoulos spotyka Heinera Mullera

Frank Raddatz
ed. Institut Im Jerzego Grotowskiego, Wroclaw, 2012
Translation by Przeklad Mateusz Borowski, Malgorzata Sugiera
Polish edition
ISBN: 978-83-61835-92-9

The book W labiryncie. Theodoros Terzopoulos spotyka Heinera Mullera (In Labyrinth. Theodoros Terzopoulos meets Heiner Muller), is published by Grotowski Institute in the frame of the project Masters in Residence and on the occasion of the staging of Mauser by Theodoros Terzopoulos in the Institute with Polish actors. It is the Polish translation of the German book Im Labyrinth, Theodoros Terzopoulos begegnet Heiner Muller by Frank Raddatz (Theater der Zeit, Berlin, 2009).

Theodoros Terzopoulos studied from 1972 to 1976 in Berliner Ensemble, where he met Heiner Muller; their acquaintance was decisive for the director. The book refers to the long-lasting collaboration between Theodoros Terzopoulos and Heiner Muller and the performances of Muller’s plays that Terzopoulos directed in Greece and abroad. It also includes an index of 48 aphorisms (in a dialogue between Terzopoulos and Muller about Theatre, Tragedy and Myth) and director’s notes”.

photo: Johanna Weber