Powrot Dionizosa
Metoda pracy Theodorosa Terzopoulosa
(Polish edition)
ed. Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego, Wroclaw, 2018
translation: Maciej Kazinski
ISBN: 978-83-61835-29-5
The Polish edition of the Method of Theodoros Terzopoulos includes a preface by Freddy Decreus, professor of Ghent University. The Grotowski Institute has published books about Stanislavsky, Vakhtangov, Grotowski, Brook, Lecoq, Barba, Suzuki in the same, Masters series.
The book includes 12 chapters and 40 self-study exercises for actresses and actors. The basic training is demonstrated by Savvas Stroumpos in online videos (run. time 2.5 hours) available in the website of the publishing house.
“And indeed, this is a book about a new type of mythology, one though that assumes many faces, hits upon many disciplines and oscillates between theory and practice. Its author, Theodoros Terzopoulos, Greek by birth, indefatigable traveler by nature, in twelve theoretical chapters followed by forty practical exercises, gives here a rough idea of the vast horizon he has been exploring for about half a century”.
(from the preface by Freddy Decreus)
photo: Johanna Weber