Возрастное ограничение
метод Теодоросa Терзопулосa
(Russian edition)
ed. Moscow Drama Theatre K.S. Stanislavsky and Spaudos Konturai, Moscow, 2015
translation: Алексей Гришин, Ирина Трясорукова
ISBN: 978-5-905981-05-0
The Russian edition of the Method of Theodoros Terzopoulos, includes a preface by the director of Electrotheatre Stanislavski Boris Yukhananov and an introduction by the acclaimed Russian actress Alla Demidova.
The book includes 12 chapters and 40 self-study exercises for actresses and actors. The basic training is demonstrated by Savvas Stroumpos in a DVD (run. time 2.5 hours) attached to the book.
“The book by the eminent Greek director Theodoros Terzopoulos focuses on important issues of contemporary theatre: what is body, energy, breath, word. His Method is based on the deconstruction of the body and aims to emancipate the hidden energy and re-create the archetypical body as the pillar of the human nature”.
(from the presentation of the book)
photo: Johanna Weber